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Set up a New Unreal Vive OpenXR-SDK Project

Table of contents

  1. Follow the “New Project” instructions from the Vive OpenXR website
  2. Ensure that your project is compatible with HTC’s hand-tracking guidelines
  3. Enable OpenXR and OpenXRHandTracking plugins
  4. Disable Oculus Related plugins and the SteamVR plugin
  5. Make sure that you PC-VR streaming is working correctly
  6. In Vive Business Streaming make sure that “Hand Tracking” is checked
  7. In SteamVR, make sure that the openXR backend is set to SteamVR.
  8. Try to deploy a simple level to your headset
  9. Download and extract AR51 Unreal-SDK Plugin and AR51 OpenXR Plugins into the Plugins folder
  10. Create a new level
  11. Be sure to set the visibility of the plugins to True
  12. Drag the AR51 SDK Blueprint into the current level
  13. Drag the AR51 OpenXR-related Blueprints into the current level
  14. Make sure your VrPawn object uses “stage tracking”
  15. In AR51 Blueprint, select “HtcVive” as the platform type
  16. In a tethered deployment - enable “Start in VR”
  17. Hit Play
  18. On your first run, perform device calibration

Follow the “New Project” instructions from the Vive OpenXR website

Follow the instructions from the HTC website to set up your project

Make Sure to install “Vive Business Streaming” and “SteamVR”

Ensure that your project is compatible with HTC’s hand-tracking guidelines

Follow the instructions from the vive unreal hand tracking guidelines to setup up your project

Enable OpenXR and OpenXRHandTracking plugins

In Unreal-Engine, under plugins, make sure that the openXR and that the openXRHandTracking is checked. plugin_folder

In Unreal-Engine, under plugins, make sure that other non-openXR plugins are disabled. plugin_folder

Make Sure you disable the “SteamVR Plugin”, otherwise the hand movement will not be recognized correctly.

Make sure that you PC-VR streaming is working correctly

On your pc open both SteamVR and Vive Business Streaming apps.

In Vive Business Streaming make sure that “Hand Tracking” is checked

Open the settings in the “Vive Business Streaming” app. Under “Input” make sure “Hand tracking” checkbox is checked. plugin_folder

Hand Tracking must be enabled on VBS in order to track finger motion.

In SteamVR, make sure that the openXR backend is set to SteamVR.

Open SteamVR settings. Under “OpenXR” make sure that your current OpenXR Runtime is set to SteamVR. plugin_folder

Try to deploy a simple level to your headset

Try and build the project and deploy it to your headset.

Download and extract AR51 Unreal-SDK Plugin and AR51 OpenXR Plugins into the Plugins folder

Your plugins folder should look like this plugin_folder

Restart the editor to enable the plugins.

Create a new level

File -> New Level -> Basic

Be sure to set the visibility of the plugins to True

In the Content Browser window. Select settings and enable “Show Plugin Content”

Drag the AR51 SDK Blueprint into the current level

From the “Content Browser” windows, select Plugins -> AR51 SDK Content -> Blueprints and drag “AR51SDK_Blueprint” into the level.

From the “Content Browser” windows, select Plugins -> AR51SDK_OPENXR Content -> Blueprints and drag: “VRPawn”, “OpenXrBoundary Adapter_BP” and “OpenXrHands Adapter_BP” into the level.

Make sure your VrPawn object uses “stage tracking”

Either create a new VRPawn object (using these instructions) or edit the provided VRPawn Blueprint. Make sure that your tracking space is set to “Stage” tracking_set_to_stage

If you do not set the tracking mode to “Stage”, the skeleton will not appear on your body once you restart the VR application.

In AR51 Blueprint, select “HtcVive” as the platform type

From the Details panel, under “General”, you should see the “Platform” field. Please select “HTC Vive” select_platform_type

In a tethered deployment - enable “Start in VR”

Before deploying to a tethered application (PC VR app), be sure that you project is set to start in VR. In Unreal-Engine, under “Project Settings” -> “Project Description” enable “Start in VR”.


Hit Play

Make sure that AR51’s system is running on the same local network as your device.

You should see the character move in realtime character_waving.

On your first run, perform device calibration

You should now perform device calibration so that the character would position on your body.