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Set up a New Unreal Project

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  1. Download and extract AR51 Unreal Plugins into the Plugins folder
  2. Create a new level
  3. Be sure to set the visibility of the plugins to True
  4. Drag the AR51 SDK into the current level
  5. Hit Play

Download and extract AR51 Unreal Plugins into the Plugins folder

Your plugins folder should look like this: plugin_folder

Restart the editor to enable the plugin.

Create a new level

File -> New Level -> Basic

Be sure to set the visibility of the plugins to True

In the Content Browser window. Select settings and enable “Show Plugin Content”

Drag the AR51 SDK into the current level

From the “Content Browser” windows, select Plugins -> AR51 SDK Content -> Blueprints and drag “AR51SDK_Blueprint” into the level.

Hit Play

Make sure that AR51’s system is running on the same local network as your device.

You should see the character move in realtime. character_waving